Y2016 Condensed matter physics - physics of open quantum systems - (Usami)
Lecture Notes
Harmonic oscillators, coupled harmonic oscillators, and Bosonic fields 2016/11/21 (last update: 2016/11/27)
Quantization of environment 2016/11/28 (last update: 2016/11/28)
Master equation 2016/12/05 (last update: 2016/12/05)
Quantum Langevin equation 2016/12/12 (last update: 2016/12/15)
Optomechanics and cavity cooling 2016/12/19 (Colloquium style)
Feynman path integral 2017/01/16 (last update: 2017/01/23)
Instantons and quantum tunneling 2017/01/20 (last update: 2017/01/26)
Report ( Deadline: 2017/01/31)
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